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Successful HYBRIDize kick-off meeting with visit from the Ambassador of India

The 24th of June 2019 Hybrid Greentech participated in the HYBRIDize kick-off meeting. The objective of the project HYBRIDize - Hybrid Power Plants Design and Operation is to develop new tools to minimize cost and optimize performance of Hybrid Power Plants. The project includes participants from both India and Denmark. Hybrid Greentech will develop a sizing tool for energy storage in Hybrid Power Plants with wind, solar and energy storage. The Danish part of the project is supported by Innovation Fund Denmark.

The project participants are:

The Ambassador of India, Denmark, Mr. Ajit Gupte visited the Kick-off Meeting and was very excited by the India - Danish cross collaboration and the ambitious targets on renewables in India. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, India has a target of 175GW renewables by 2022 which will require investments of $83 billion between 2018 and 2022.

In the picture from the left:

Anca Hansen, Ass. Professor, DTU Wind Energy

Rasmus Rode Mosbæk, CEO, Hybrid Greentech

Pascal Häfeli, Development Engineer, Suzlon

Kaushik Das, Post Doc, DTU Wind Energy

Ajit Gupte, Ambassador of India, Denmark

Peter Hauge Madsen, Head of Department, DTU Wind Energy

Poul Sørensen, Professor, DTU Wind Energy

Pukhraj Singh, Head of Segment, Electrical Systems, Suzlon



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